
Stoves Using Alcohol for Fuel

If you are Alc Stove bonkers your coffee table might look like the above picture. No, really. Seriously, I've learned a lot about Alc hiking stoves. Their light weight, simplicity, and ease of making one from things found in almost any trash can appeals to me. I've probably made a 100 different designs and maybe a 1000 stoves in the last 15 years. It keeps my hands busy in the evenings. OK, those 2 pictures were just to get your attention. Let me tell you about my last two stoves and a little about how to cook with an Alc stove. Regulating the heat is the hardest part. Not to mention if you are in high or cold country where Alcohol doesn't fume as easily. But we'll get to the high/cold conditions a little later. First let me tell you about these 2 stoves that are nearly exactly alike. Except one has a bit of household pink wall insulation in the gas chamber that wicks some alcohol up the sides of the stove. That causes the fire to gasify that alcohol muc